Saturday, November 15, 2008

West Branch CHILDREN'S Film Festival

Alright, kiddies! It has been announced that West Branch, Michigan, my hometown, will be host to the first West Branch Children's Film Festival! It is the first festival for kids in the mid/northern Michigan area. It will be a 3 day event, July 31-August 2, 2009. There will be areas around West Branch that will be playing movies for children, and movies BY children! This will be a VERY family-friendly event. There will also be professionals in the field of filmmaking to speak or give workshops or even present their own children's film.
At the time of this post, the Film Festival Committee is building a website, contacting filmmakers and local schools, and organizing. I am an unofficial member of the committee, as I am with the West Branch Film Initiative.
If you know of anyone who has a child-friendly film, or is making one, or knows of a youngster between the ages of 3-18, let them know about the WEST BRANCH CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL. We are planning to make it an annual event and be a Cannes for Kiddies!

1 comment:

Bilal Khatri112 said...

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