Sunday, September 21, 2008

Remember those pictures I mentioned...?

I've been having alot of trouble today with my internet connection. I can't seem to stay online. AND I use dial-up, so everything moves slowly. I'm trying to post the artwork previously mentioned, but have been unable. I did get a pic of my new John Lennon drawing up on Myspace.

I did, however, get the oil pastel of West Branch posted. It's a very rough drawing, done on location from the parking lot of Wal-Mart. I'm hoping to work on it more, or make it into an oil painting. Let me know what you think.

I also got the painting I started 5 years ago of Melissa holding Rebecca. Still has some work that needs be done.
Oh, yeah. And there's the graphite drawing I started 8 years ago of Melissa in Irons Park. There's a glare from the camera, so the detail's not very clear. Sorry. This one also has alot of work that needs to be done.

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